Sunday 27 June 2021

A love Letter to Myself

Dear Ed,

I wrote shit down for you to remember what happened 5 years ago. I hope when you're finally reading this again, you're not the same person I quoted 5 years ago (fingers crossed). I hope you're doing good with your now-husband. I hope he treats you well. And if you happened to have kids now, you are doing good with them. And I expect you to celebrate your first Christmas with them with a video of his/her singing Christmas songs in front of the magical tree. If you're wild guessing what fuckery I'm talking about, please go through your saved posts on Instagram. I saved something for you to use later 😂. Quote "for future reference, Ed." The clue is GRINCH. 

Moving on. Do you remember the day when you were scrolling Twitter and came across a tweet saying that a virus is spreading all across China? Well, fuck we got hit. March 2020, the whole world was fucked up with a deadly pandemic, Covid-19. At first, they said that the virus started its attack all across China but were conspiracies going around saying that America was hit first. But, they kept it in their pocket. They got balls I tell youuu. Frankly speaking, the moment I wrote this shit, it's 10 months of struggle and hardship that the whole world was facing. People were dying. People were losing jobs. Schools were closed for months now. In case you forgot, we were doing online teaching now. I think it's easier for those who lived in the city but such a struggle for those who lived in rural areas. Most are not able to catch up with most of the sessions. I hope yours is better now. I mean, if you're still teaching at the same school for five years now, things should be better la suda kan. If you're still the Guru PSS, please have a moment to reminisce how filthy that place looked like when you got that post! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! 

After a year working, girl you still don't own a car! Your payslip is clean bitch 😂. You went with your boyfriend most of the time la. Did you guys settle down? I mean, the same person, right? Are you doing good financially or you still fuck things up when it comes to money? Because 2020 you did bad. But it's totally fine because making mistakes will always get you to the right place. Provided you learn from your mistake la.


I have no idea why I kept this in my draft when I literally should have finished it before. By the way, things are not even doing good with our country. We are back to what we had during PKP 1.0. However, this time, it's bullshit and crap. I just saw a Tiktok video earlier today saying that "Our government is not the solution. But they are the real problem." Well, I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say. I even uninstalled my Twitter because that app is too much for now. People are starting to lose their shit. The suicide rate is going up, our local newspapers are reporting all sort of cases which are closely related to the Rakyats. How bad this pandemic and our politicians' shallow judgments are affecting everyone's lives. I am tired of talking about the damage they did to us. I hope your years are better than what we're going through now. 

I think that's all for now. 

I hope you'll enjoy reading this.

ed. 2021.

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